A genome-wide association study for melatonin secretion

by MedicsHub

Study population

Five thousand individuals aged 30–70 years old and without cancer history were enrolled from Taiwan Biobank. Biological specimens, personal and clinical information as delinked data were used in this study. Individuals with a record of neurological disorders or psychiatric illnesses were excluded from this study as these conditions may affect melatonin secretion19,20. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Chang Gung Medical Foundation and the Institutional Review Board of National Taiwan University Hospital.

All subjects have provided written informed consent, and all methods were carried out in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations.


Five thousand subjects were enrolled from Taiwan Biobank initially. One withdrew from the study. 2361 did not have their urine collected in the morning and were excluded. 128 people had documented neurological or psychiatric illness. 137 individuals did not pass quality control procedures. After imputation and quality control, 7,897,704 autosomal SNPs remained. After log transformation of UMCR, data is still not normalized, but the shape of the histogram is better.

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