Terms & Conditions

MedicsHub Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions are the terms upon which you are entitled to access and use the site at www.MedicsHub.com (the “site”) and will continue in force until such time as either you or we terminate this Agreement. Access to and use by you of this site constitutes acceptance by you of these Terms and Conditions, which take effect from the date and time of first access to the site. If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions do not use this site.

MedicsHub is an online platform that allows users to search for courses and other educational content relevant to their educational needs. The “hub” will also provide job listings provided by third party medical recruitment agencies. Medics Hub will ensure the security and confidentiality of any personal information provided to our company. Please read this privacy policy and terms and conditions prior to using MedicsHub or submitting any information.

Content Publication and Responsibilities

MedicsHub provides an online platform to search for courses, jobs and important clinical studies and guidelines. We are not responsible for the quality, content or cancellation of the courses and jobs. We are not responsible for the quality of the studies and the other content in evidencehub and it is the responsibility of the user to ensure the same. We do not provide any guidance on implementation of any information from the courses, conferences and evidencehub. It is the user’s responsibility to interpret and apply based on their experience and expertise. The contents of this website are to support medical professionals in locating and engaging with available learning opportunities and not for the use of non-medical general public.

Course Listings

We do our best to make sure course details are accurate and up to date and we often receive this information direct from the course provider. We take no responsibility for course specific information which is published in our website and further course specific information can be accessed in the course providers’ website by using the “book now” link on our website or by contacting the course provider directly.

We reserve the right to remove courses listed at our discretion. We also provide free referrals from course listings to course provider websites. If you would like to opt out of this network and would like your listings removed, please contact us to arrange a removal request.

Evidencehub listings

We do our best to provide relevant studies and guidelines. We take no responsibility for the specific information that is published in our website. We reserve the right to remove any content at our discretion. It is the users responsibility to verify the quality and for any additional updates that may be available through other resources online or offline. We do not provide any guidance on the interpretation and implementation of the contents in practice.

User profile and CPD diary

Medicshub provides a free user profile section that can be accessed after registration. It is the users’ responsibility to keep the details provided to populate this section up to date. This service can be withdrawn at our discretion.

What information we collect from you?

We receive and store any information entered into our web site or given to us in any other form. This includes personal information (name, speciality, location and email addresses). Information can be given to us via email, registration, writing a review, asking a question or through completing a form or survey. We do not store your actual password for security reasons, instead we store a transformation/hash of your password, which is an advanced one-way filter. We simply pass your password attempts through this filter and produce a hash, and compare it to the hash generated when you last set your password. We also apply a further cryptographic transformation of your password before we store it, but revealing the details would be a security flaw in itself. We cannot see your password, and we understand the importance in protecting it.

Automatic Collection of Information

We automatically collect some information about your computer when you visit MedicsHub website. For example, we will collect session data, including your IP address, Web browser software, and referring web site. We also may collect information about your online activity, such as content viewed, keywords searched and pages visited. The purpose of this is only to help us understand the interests of our users and customize your user experience.

Cookies and Other Web Technologies

Cookies are small text files and can be stored on your computer’s hard drive (if your Web browser permits). MedicsHub website uses cookies for the following: To help us recognize your browser as a previous visitor and save and remember preferences that may have been set while your browser was visiting our site. For example, if you register on our site, we may use cookies to remember your registration information, so you do not need to log into our site each time you visit. We also may record your password in a cookie, if you checked the box entitled “Keep me signed in on this computer unless I sign out.” Please note that member IDs, passwords, and any other account-related data included in such cookies are encrypted for security purposes. This will help us customize the content and website experience to you on our website and on other websites across the Internet. For example, when you access a web page, a cookie is automatically set by us, our service providers, or our partners to recognize your browser as you navigate on the Internet and to present you with information and advertising based on your apparent interests. To help measure and research the effectiveness of website features and offerings, advertisements, and e-mail communications (by determining which e-mails you open and act upon). The Help portion of the toolbar on most browsers should tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable non-essential types of cookies.

Our sites also may use Web beacons (also known as clear gifs, pixel tags or Web bugs), which are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies, that are placed in the code of a Web page. We use Web beacons to monitor the traffic patterns of users from one page within our sites to another, to deliver or communicate with cookies, to understand whether you have come to our site from an online advertisement displayed on a third-party Web site, and to improve site performance. We also may allow our service providers to use Web beacons to help us understand which emails have been opened by recipients and to track the visitor traffic and actions on our site. This helps us measure the effectiveness of our content and other offerings.

Display of Advertising/Your Choices

Data is collected to serve you with relevant advertising and we are committed to providing you with relevant content. To do this, we may collect information about your searches and use this information to improve your web experience. We will not share your personal contact information with unaffiliated third parties so they can serve you with advertisements.

How we use your information

Medics Hub will use the information collected for the following general purposes: for registration and account management, for all communications, improve website performance and customise online experience, notification of special offers, products and services available from us or our partners that may be of interest to you, to solicit information from you, including through surveys, to resolve disputes or troubleshoot problems, to prevent potentially prohibited or illegal activities, to enforce our Terms of Use and as otherwise described to you at the point of collection.

Email Communications

We want to make it easy for you to take advantage of course information and this is done by email pertaining to your speciality and search history. You have the option to opt out of this facility either at the time of registration or utilise the link in any of our email communications.

With whom do we share your information?

Medics Hub may share your information with the following entities: Third-party vendors who provide services or functions on our behalf, including business analytics, customer service, marketing, distribution of surveys or sweepstakes programs, and fraud prevention. We may also authorize third-party vendors to collect information on our behalf, including as necessary to operate features of our website or to facilitate the delivery of online advertising tailored to your interests. Third-party vendors have access to and may collect information only as needed to perform their functions and are not permitted to share or use the information for any other purpose. Business partners with whom we may offer products or services in conjunction. You can tell when a third party is involved in a product or service you have requested because their name will appear either with ours or separately. If you choose to access these optional services, we may share information about you, including your personal information, with those partners. Please note that we do not control the privacy practices of these third-party business partners.

In response to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal process; to establish or exercise our legal rights; to defend against legal claims; or as otherwise required by law. In such cases we reserve the right to raise or waive any legal objection or right available to us. When we believe it is necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal or suspected illegal activities; to protect and defend the rights, property, or safety of Medics Hub, our customers, or others; and in connection with our Terms of Service and other agreements. In connection with a corporate transaction, such as a divestiture, merger, consolidation, or asset sale, or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy.

Other than as set out above, you will be notified when personal information about you will be shared with third parties, and you will have an opportunity to choose not to have us share such information.

We also may share aggregate or anonymous information with third parties, including advertisers and investors. For example, we may tell our advertisers the number of visitors our Web site receives or the most courses. This information does not contain any personal information and is used to develop content and improve our services.

How you can access your information

We endeavour to ensure that your information is relevant to its intended use, accurate, and complete. You can access and update your contact information by visiting your profile page on the Web site. You can close your account by contacting us at the email address listed below. We will send you an e-mail to confirm your request. Please note that after you close an account, you will not be able to sign in or access any of your personal information. However, you can open a new account at any time. Please also note that we may retain certain information associated with your account in our archives, including for analytical purposes as well as for record keeping integrity.

If you do not hold an account with us, or wish to contact us in relation to any personal information that is not displayed in your account, you may ask us to access, delete and modify the information that we hold about you by emailing us at the email address listed.

Your choices with respect to the collection and use of your information

You can choose not to provide us with any information, although it may affect the quality of your experience on Medics Hub.

You also can add or update information and close your account as described above. When you register as a member you will be given a choice as to whether you want to receive email messages from us. You can modify your choices at any time through the Email Settings of your subscriptions page. Whether registered as a member or not, you also will be given the opportunity to unsubscribe from promotional messages in any such e-mail we send. Please note that we reserve the right to send you other communications, including service announcements and administrative messages relating either to your Medics Hub account, without offering you the opportunity to opt out of receiving them.

How we protect your information

We are committed to protecting the information we collect. While we cannot guarantee 100% security, we have implemented appropriate administrative, technical, and physical security procedures to help protect the personal information you provide to us. For example, only authorized employees are permitted to access personal information, and they only may do so for permitted business functions. In addition, we use encryption when transmitting your personal information between your system and ours, and we employ firewalls and intrusion detection systems to help prevent unauthorized persons from gaining access to your information.

Children’s privacy

Medics Hub is a general audience site and does not offer services directed to children. Should an individual, whom we know to be a child under age 13, send personal information to us, we will delete or destroy such information as soon as reasonably possible.

External links

If any part of the Medics Hub web site link you to other web sites, those external web sites do not operate under this Privacy Policy. We recommend that you examine the privacy statements posted on those other web sites to understand their procedures for collecting, using, and disclosing personal information.

Using MedicsHub

As a condition of your use of MedicsHub (including MedicsHub.com and its related websites, services, applications and tools) you agree that you will not:

  • violate any laws;
  • violate the Posting Rules;
  • post any threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene or indecent material;
  • post or otherwise communicate any false or misleading material or message of any kind;
  • infringe any third-party right;
  • distribute spam, chain letters, or promote pyramid schemes;
  • distribute viruses or any other technologies that may harm MedicsHub or the interests or property of MedicsHub users;
  • impose or contribute to imposing an unreasonable load on our infrastructure or interfere with the proper working of MedicsHub;
  • copy, modify, or distribute any other person’s content without their consent;
  • use any robot spider, scraper or other automated means to access Medicshub and collect content for any purpose without our express written permission;
  • harvest or otherwise collect information about others, including email addresses, without their consent;
  • copy, modify or distribute rights or content from the MedicsHub site, services, applications or tools or MedicsHub’s copyrights and trademarks;
  • harvest or otherwise collect information about users, including email addresses, without their consent
  • bypass measures used to prevent or restrict access to MedicsHub;
  • sell any counterfeit items or otherwise infringe the copyright, trademark or other rights of third parties.

You are solely responsible for all information that you submit to MedicsHub and any consequences that may result from your post. We reserve the right at our discretion to refuse or delete content that we believe is inappropriate or breaching the above terms. We also reserve the right at our discretion to restrict a user’s usage of MedicsHub either temporarily or permanently, or refuse a user’s registration. If we believe that you are breaching these Terms of Use in any way and/or behaving suspiciously on the MedicsHub websites, services, applications or tools, we may, at our discretion, inform other MedicsHub users that have been in contact with you and recommend that they exercise caution.

Abusing MedicsHub

Please report problems, offensive content and policy breaches to us using the reporting system.

Without limiting other remedies, we may issue warnings, limit or terminate our service, remove hosted content and take technical and legal steps to keep users off MedicsHub if we think that they are creating problems, infringing the rights of third parties or acting inconsistently with the letter or spirit of our policies (including, without limitation, circumventing temporary or permanent suspensions or harassing the MedicsHub employees or other users). However, whether we decide to take any of these steps, remove hosted content or keep a user off MedicsHub or not, we do not have any obligation to monitor the information transmitted or stored on our sites, services, applications and tools and we do not accept any liability for unauthorized or unlawful content on MedicsHub or use of MedicsHub by users.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

MedicsHub may update this Privacy Policy in the future. Regularly reviewing this page ensures that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances, if any, we will share it with other parties.

How you can contact us

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us via …………………………………………………

Under the GDPR, you can request a copy of your information and the board will provide you with a legible copy of the personal information held. We will require proof of your identity before supplying the information (in order to mitigate the risk of supplying information to the wrong person) and may ask you for further information to assist in locating your personal information. This will be sent to you within 40 days of your request. You may have to pay a small charge before the information is supplied.

Service Access

While Medics Hub will use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Site is normally available 24 hours a day, Medics Hub shall not be liable if for any reason this site is unavailable at any time or for any period.

Access to this Site may be suspended temporarily and without notice in the case of system failure, maintenance or repair or for any reasons beyond Medics Hub’s control.

Unauthorised access by third parties

It is possible that third parties may access this site and alter its contents. Medics Hub will not be liable for any damage or loss arising out of or resulting from any unauthorised access to, alteration to or modification of information contained on this Site.


Your feedback is valuable to us and will allow us to serve you better. Your views on what we are doing and how we could make things better are important to us.

If you have any comments, suggestions or complaints we would be delighted to hear from you.


We pride ourselves on keeping up to the minute in terms of advances in technology and legal developments. As these areas are ever changing, we recommend that you refer to this area of the Site on a regular basis in order to ensure that you are aware of our most recent Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement and other policies.

MedicsHub reserves the right to modify, add to or change these Terms and Conditions, our Privacy Policy, and any other policies at any time without notice. Any such modifications, additions or changes will be effective immediately on being posted to the Site. Continued use of the Site after a modification, addition or change has been made is your acceptance of the modification, addition or change.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions are exclusively governed by English law and by using the Site you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Medics Hub reserves the right to bring proceedings in the courts of the country of your residence or that of your principal place of practice.